
One to One Dog Training

Are you facing challenges with your dog's behaviour? Our 1-2-1 training sessions are expertly designed to tackle any aspect of your dog's training or behaviour, offering the most effective way to achieve significant improvements.
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The Root of Behavioural Problems

The primary cause of most behavioural issues in dogs is a lack of leadership and mismanagement. If minor issues are not addressed promptly, they can escalate into more significant problems. Early intervention is crucial to prevent these behaviours from becoming deeply ingrained.

My Approach

Each 121 training session is tailored to meet the unique needs of your dog, using a variety of tools and techniques to address specific issues. My goal is to help you build a disciplined and obedient relationship with your dog, providing you with the skills and knowledge to manage and correct unwanted behaviours effectively.

Common Behavioural Issues


Address excessive barking by teaching your dog to remain calm and quiet on command.


Manage and reduce aggressive behaviours through structured training and behaviour modification.


Train your dog to greet people politely without jumping up.

Counter Surfing

Prevent your dog from stealing food by reinforcing boundaries and appropriate behaviour.


Improve your dog’s responsiveness and reliability when called.

Lead Walking

Teach your dog to walk calmly on a lead without pulling.

Seperation Anxiety

Alleviate anxiety when left alone through desensitization and routine adjustments.

Ignoring Commands

Enhance your dog’s focus and compliance with commands.

Destructive Behaviour

Curb destructive tendencies by providing proper outlets and training.

Book Your Assessment

All my services start with an initial assessment, a comprehensive two-hour session that allows me to understand your dog's history and current behaviour. The cost for assessments are £100 plus travel at £1.00 per mile. During this time, we'll discuss why your dog behaves the way they do and explore your training goals and what you hope to achieve.In this session, I'll also introduce you to some practical training exercises tailored to the areas that need improvement. These exercises will help you and your dog start developing new, healthy habits right away. This initial assessment is the first step toward a happier, more harmonious relationship with your dog.
What would you like help with?*
What services are you interested in?
Does your dog have a bite history?*
Have you worked with a dog trainer before?*
Are you open minded towards all training tools?
Are you prepared to be consistent with all training?
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